

英格蘭和威爾斯高等法院 (EWHC) 駁回了一名商人在 2019 年制定的遺囑,該遺囑將他的大部分財產留給了他的兩個最小的兒子。起草 2019 年遺囑的執業者未能遵循「黃金法則」,也未能獲得醫生對立遺囑人能力的意見,儘管他已經 77 歲並且患有腦腫瘤。 EWHC 認為立遺囑人「只是同意擺在他面前的任何事情」。相反地,法院承認對 2017 年制定的一份遺囑進行了遺囑認證,該遺囑在很大程度上將遺囑人的遺產平均分配給他的四個孩子(Bond v Webster,2024 EWHC 1972)。

CONTENTIOUS ESTATES: Will invalidated by failure to follow ‘golden rule’

The England and Wales High Court (EWHC) has set aside a businessman’s will made in 2019 that left much of his substantial estate to his two youngest sons. The practitioner who drafted the 2019 will failed to follow the ‘golden rule’ and get a doctor's opinion on the testator's capacity, even though he was 77 and had a brain tumour. The EWHC considered that the testator had been 'just agreeing to whatever was being put before him'. Instead, the court admitted to probate a will made in 2017 that largely split the testator's estate equally between his four children (Bond v Webster, 2024 EWHC 1972).

Daily Mail

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