
MONEYVAL 報告發現澤西島擁有有效反洗錢制度的「大部分要素」


歐洲委員會反洗錢 (AML) 機構 MONEYVAL 發布了對澤西島遵守國際反洗錢標準情況的評估。報告的結論是,澤西島擁有「有效制度的大部分要素」;不過,它建議司法管轄區加強對洗錢犯罪的調查和起訴,並更嚴格地執行與預防措施相關的制裁。

MONEYVAL 讚揚澤西島當局根據各種來源所得出的多項高品質、全面且詳細的風險評估產品。報告顯示,國家機構之間的協調和合作以及私營部門的風險意識也是該體系的優勢。自上次 MONEYVAL 評估以來,澤西島也顯著提高了其金融情報部門 (FIU) 的營運獨立性和資源,而金融情報現在經常用於在調查中收集證據和追蹤收益。

MONEYVAL 表示這種趨勢是最近才出現的。在報告中顯示:「雖然當局已對洗錢案件進行例行調查,並將追查犯罪所得作為一項政策目標,但洗錢起訴數量,包括針對第三方和自主洗錢的起訴有限,因此要求主管當局採取更積極主動的做法 。」不過,民事沒收機制和引入暫緩起訴協議等替代措施以及引入未能防止洗錢的刑事犯罪已取得積極成果。

澤西島也採取措施加強反洗錢監管框架,並特別針對高風險實體和部門。儘管如此,MONEYVAL 認為其確保遵守反洗錢義務的方法與發現的違規行為的數量和類型不夠一致,因為它主要依賴補救行動,僅實施適度的製裁。此外,報告建議私營部門進一步改進。其中包括: 對複雜結構實施措施、評估適用豁免的風險、對政治公眾人物採取強化盡職調查措施、檢測並及時通報可疑交易。

MONEYVAL 讚揚該司法管轄區透過完整的登記處處理公司和信託的基本和受益所有權信息,確保提供充足、準確和最新的信息,也在積極尋求和提供司法協助和其他形式的國際合作方面表現出令人稱讚的效率。

澤西島目前預計將於 2026 年 12 月根據定期後續報告流程向 MONEYVAL 報告。同時,澤西島政府宣布對金融和專業服務的監管方法進行策略性審查。此次審查的範圍仍在最終確定中。

MONEYVAL report finds Jersey has ‘most elements’ of effective AML regime

The Council of Europe's anti-money laundering (AML) body MONEYVAL has published its assessment of Jersey's compliance with international AML standards.

The report concludes that Jersey has 'most elements of an effective regime'; however, it recommends that the jurisdiction reinforce its investigations and prosecutions of money laundering offences, as well as more strictly enforce sanctions related to preventative measures.

MONEYVAL commends the Jersey authorities for concluding multiple high-quality, comprehensive and detailed risk assessment products informed by a variety of sources. It says national co-ordination and co-operation between agencies, as well as private sector awareness of risks, are also strengths of the system. Jersey has also significantly improved the operational independence and resources of its Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) since the last MONEYVAL assessment, with financial intelligence now being regularly used to develop evidence and trace proceeds in its investigations.

This trend is relatively recent, says MONEYVAL. 'While ML cases are routinely investigated and proceeds of crime are pursued as a policy objective, the modest number of ML prosecutions, including those for third-party and autonomous ML, call for a more proactive approach by the competent authorities', says the report. However, it recognises that alternative measures such as civil forfeiture mechanisms and the introduction of deferred prosecution agreements have had positive results, along with the introduction of a criminal offence of the failure to prevent money laundering.

Jersey has also taken steps to reinforce the AML supervisory framework, particularly for higher-risk entities and sectors. Nonetheless, MONEYVAL considers its approach to ensure compliance with AML obligations is not sufficiently in line with the number and types of breaches detected, as it relies mainly on remedial actions with only a modest imposition of sanctions. Moreover, the report recommends further improvements in the private sector. These include: implementation of measures on complex structures; assessment of the risks for the application of exemptions; application of enhanced due-diligence measures to politically exposed persons; and the detection and prompt reporting of suspicious transactions.

MONEYVAL praises the jurisdiction's handling of basic and beneficial ownership information on companies and trusts, through a fully populated registry that ensures the availability of adequate, accurate and up-to-date information. It also demonstrated commendable efficiency in actively seeking and providing mutual legal assistance and other forms of international co-operation.

Jersey is now expected to report back to MONEYVAL under its regular follow-up reporting process in December 2026. In the meantime, the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) has created a high-level action plan to address the key recommended actions, it said. At the same time, Jersey's government has announced a strategic review of the approach to regulation of financial and professional services. The scope of this review is still being finalised.

• MONEYVAL (report, PDF)
• Jersey government

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