
美國:FATCA 要求另外 26 家瑞士銀行提供客戶資訊

除了2024 年6 月向45 家瑞士銀行提出的要求外,美國當局還根據《外國帳戶稅收合規法案》(FATCA) 向瑞士提出了另外26 項集體請求,要求提供行政協助。的客戶拒絕同意向美國披露其帳戶資訊的人。

US: FATCA requests for client information from a further 26 Swiss banks

The US authorities have made a further 26 group requests to Switzerland for administrative assistance under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), in addition to the demands made on 45 Swiss banks in June 2024. The requests relate to as-yet-unidentified clients who have refused consent for their account information to be disclosed to the US.

Swiss Federal Tax Administration
STEP International News 16 November 2023: Swiss FATCA information exchange agreement with US changes to reciprocal disclosure

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