

英國稅務海關總署希望與透過其線上服務提交通用報告標準(CRS)或外國帳戶稅務合規法案 (FATCA) 報告的人士進行交流。它將特別關注管理金融機構的服務要素。英國稅務海關總署正在尋求了解用戶如何與其服務互動,將收集有關潛在改進的回饋,並特別關注未來隨著業務需求發展而發生的變化。如需參與此項研究,請向英國稅務海關總署發送電子郵件,提出於2024年8月29日至9月11日之間一小時時段的日期。

COMPLIANCE: HMRC conducts research into online reporting

HMRC would like to speak to people who submit Common Reporting Standard (CRS) or Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reports through its online service. It will be looking particularly at the element of its service that manages financial institutions. HMRC is seeking to understand how users interact with its service and will take feedback on potential improvements, with a particular eye to future changes as business needs evolve. To get involved with the research, please email HMRC proposing a date and one-hour time slot from 29 August to 11 September 2024.

HMRC (contact)

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