

在 2023 年舉行諮詢後,新加坡金融監管機構制定了針對新加坡註冊成立的單一家族辦公室(SFO)監管框架的最終計劃。






Regulatory framework set out for Singapore SFOs

Singapore's financial regulator has set out its final plans for a regulatory framework for Singapore-incorporated single family offices (SFOs), following the consultation held in 2023.

The proposals fix the criteria for a class-based exemption regime for licensing of SFOs, replacing the case-by-case system that has been in place until now. SFOs need only meet the qualifying criteria. They must be wholly owned, whether directly or indirectly, by members of the same family; their funds must be managed for or on behalf of the family members, charitable organisations funded exclusively by the family, or (to a limited extent) for key employees; they must be incorporated in Singapore; and the SFO and its fund vehicle must establish and maintain business relations with at least one bank that is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

The last two of these rules ensure that unregistered SFOs will be subject to beneficial ownership disclosure requirements and to anti-money laundering (AML) checks by a regulated bank. The customer due-diligence and ongoing monitoring checks conducted will be the same as those performed when the bank establishes or maintains business relations with a customer. Where the SFO has a foreign-incorporated fund vehicle (FV), the FV must open and maintain an account with a MAS-regulated bank in Singapore or with a regulated bank in a jurisdiction that complies with AML checks consistent with Financial Action Task Force standards.

SFOs will also have to have a Singapore-resident employee who will serve as a permanent point of contact between the SFO and the regulator. This person will have to be primarily based in Singapore and have a Singapore residential address.

New SFOs must notify MAS and confirm their ability to comply with the qualifying criteria within 14 days of beginning their operations in Singapore. This must be supported by a legal opinion verifying their right to exemption under the new rules. After that, they will have to file annual returns reporting their total assets under management and the names of the Singapore banks with whom they have accounts in each calendar year.

A one-year transitional period will be granted for SFOs to prove their compliance. In the meantime, MAS will provide further details on the effective date of implementation, revised legislation and mode of submission for the initial notification and annual return before the framework comes into force.

• Baker McKenzie
• MAS (consultation paper & feedback)

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