

7月26日,新加坡金融監管機構發布了第 AMLD 08/2024 號通知,就財富管理行業的金融機構如何在開始業務關係之前必須確定客戶及其受益所有人的財富來源提供了進一步指導。從客戶處獲得的資訊必須根據文件證據或公共資訊來源進行獨立證實;應採取與風險相稱的合理措施,在可行的範圍內取得有關客戶全部財富的資訊。適當的手段可能包括篩選為客戶及其受益所有人的財富或資金,做出貢獻的營運公司和個人捐助者。

SINGAPORE: Further guidance on establishing customers' sources of wealth

On 26 July, Singapore's financial regulator issued Circular No. AMLD 08/2024 providing further guidance on how financial institutions in the wealth management sector must establish the sources of wealth of a customer and its beneficial owners before starting a business relationship. Information obtained from customers must be independently corroborated against documentary evidence or public information sources; and risk-proportionate, reasonable measures should be used to obtain information on a customer's entire body of wealth to the extent practicable. Appropriate means may include screening operating companies and individual benefactors contributing to the customers' and their beneficial owners' wealth or funds.

Rajah & Tann Asia
Monetary Authority of Singapore (PDF)
STEP International News Digest, 8 August 2024: Singapore's AML Bill removes need to prove link to predicate offences

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