

瑞士聯邦委員會已同意由法律專業人士對風險活動進行強制盡職調查,並建立非公開的受益所有人聯邦登記冊。 關於法人實體透明度和受益所有人識別的聯邦法案草案即將提交議會,該草案將要求對公司結構和房地產交易的法律建議制定反洗錢 (AML) 盡職調查規則。

SWITZERLAND: New act imposes AML due-diligence rules on high-risk legal advisors

Switzerland's Federal Council has agreed to introduce compulsory due diligence for risky activities by legal professionals and establish a non-public federal register of beneficial owners. The draft Federal Act on the Transparency of Legal Entities and the Identification of Beneficial Owners, soon to be submitted to parliament, will mandate anti-money laundering (AML) due-diligence rules to legal advice on company structuring and real estate transactions.

Swiss Council
STEP International news, 31 August 2023: Swiss government consultation proposes to make legal professionals conduct AML due-diligence
STEP International news, 13 October 2022: Swiss government begins work on central register of beneficial ownership

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