

菲利斯·克諾普(死者)的兩個女兒之一成功向她的姐姐和共同遺囑執行人申請了訴訟費用,以加快死者遺產的管理速度。原告聲稱:被告拒絕接受地產代理的定價建議,從而阻礙死者公寓的出售。原告亦聲稱:被告延遲提供證據證明其名下銀行帳戶中的資金所有權。最終,法院認定原告獨自進行房屋銷售,並命令被告披露相關銀行對帳單的副本。被告還被命令獨自支付 60% 的法律費用,其餘 40% 由遺產支付。

CONTENTIOUS ESTATES: Executor accused of obstructing sale of mother's flat is ordered to pay most of legal costs

One of the two daughters of Phyllis Knopp (the deceased) has made a successful application against her sister and co-executor for costs in an action brought to speed up administration of the deceased’s estate. The claimant alleged that the defendant was obstructing the sale of the deceased's flat by refusing to take the estate agents' pricing advice. It was also claimed that the defendant had delayed producing evidence proving the ownership of money in a bank account in her name. Ultimately, the court gave the claimant sole conduct of the house sale and ordered the defendant to disclose copies of the relevant bank statements. The defendant was also ordered to pay 60 per cent of the legal costs personally, with the remaining 40 per cent being paid by the estate.

Withersworldwide (judgment, PDF)

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