已在憲報上公佈生效命令,將於今年 4 月 1 日生效。該法案於 12 月 19 日發布,引入了虛擬資產交易平台和虛擬資產託管人的許可製度。有關虛擬資產服務提供者義務的規則和指導聲明正在同時生效,其中包括虛擬資產旅行規則,要求虛擬資產服務提供者在進行涉及虛擬資產的交易時與接收機構共享和保存特定客戶資訊。
CAYMAN ISLANDS: Virtual assets provider act commences on 1 April
A commencement order has been gazetted for the Cayman Islands' Virtual Asset (Service Providers) (Amendment) Act 2024, bringing it into force on 1 April this year. The Act, published on 19 December, introduces a licencing regime for virtual asset trading platforms and virtual asset custodians. Rules and statements of guidance on VASPs' obligations are being brought into effect simultaneously, including the virtual asset Travel Rule requiring VASPs to share and hold specific customer information with recipient institutions when performing transactions involving virtual assets.
Cayman Islands Gazette (Commencement Order)
Cayman Islands Gazette (Regulations)