

英國政府發布了對2024年早些時候舉行的關於實施 OECD 加密資產報告框架 (CARF)和更新的共同報告標準(CRS)的公眾諮詢的回應摘要。








根據先前的諮詢意見,政府還就擬議的修正案草案啟動了諮詢,其中包括強制註冊要求以及對不遵守法規和上訴程序的處罰進行改革。此次諮詢將於2025 年1月10日結束。

UK government publishes consultation outcome on crypto-asset reporting implementation

The UK government has published a summary of responses to the public consultation held earlier in 2024 on the implementation of the OECD’s Cryptoasset Reporting Framework (CARF) and the updated Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

The implementation of the CARF requires virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to report details of their users and transactions to tax authorities, who can use the information to crack down on tax non-compliance.

The government’s consultation examined the scope and implementation of the rules, as well as a potential penalty regime for non-compliance. In its outcome document, it notes that it expects the CARF to apply from 1 January 2026, meaning that those VASPs in scope will be expected to collect information from that date and make the first reports by 31 May 2027.

The majority of respondents were in favour of the proposal to extend the CARF, although some concerns were expressed. Respondents requested additional guidance including: establishing when individuals or entities have ‘control or sufficient influence’ in the context of decentralised services; the definition of a relevant crypto-asset; definitions of transaction types; and data protection and security.

In terms of the reporting scope, respondents noted that reporting transactions on an asset-by-asset basis ‘would provide data at a far more granular level than tax authorities…would benefit from.’ Instead, they suggested reporting on broader categories of crypto-asset and token type.

HMRC notes that respondents largely found the proposed penalty regime to be ‘balanced and reasonable’. However, some also suggested a ‘grace period’ or penalty abatement regime for the initial years of the CARF, proposing that the compliance process could initially be formed by warnings from HMRC, with penalties implemented after a two-year period.

At the same time, HMRC has consulted on proposed amendments to the CRS and its interaction with the CARF. The amendments would change the scope of the CRS regime, introduce mandatory registration of reporting financial institutions and change the penalties regime, aligning it with the model rules for digital platforms regime.

HMRC’s CRS Working Group, of which STEP is a member, and consultation respondents considered the possible complexities of aligning the systems, especially where an asset is in scope for both CRS and the CARF. Some suggested that too much complexity would make the data harder to collate and compare, leading to a potentially heightened risk of non-compliance.

The government has also launched a consultation on its proposed draft amendments following previous consultation input, including include a mandatory registration requirement and reforms to the penalties for failing to comply with the regulations and the appeals process. This consultation will close on 10 January 2025.

UK government (consultation outcome)
UK government (draft regulations)
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