金融行動特別工作組 (FATF) 發布了對各司法管轄區措施的審查,以防止會計師、律師、房地產經紀人、信託和公司服務提供者等非金融專業人士被利用來促進洗錢和腐敗。報告稱,七個 FATF 成員管轄區(佔全球 GDP 的一半以上)在遵守這些措施方面的得分不到 50%。合規程度最低的是客戶盡職調查、實施內部控制以及為主管提供足夠的權力來進行基於風險的監督。
COMPLIANCE: FATF calls for urgent anti-corruption compliance in non-financial sectors
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has published a review of jurisdictions' measures to prevent non-financial professionals such as accountants, lawyers, real estate agents and trust and company service providers from being used to facilitate money laundering and corruption. It says that seven FATF member jurisdictions, representing more than half of the world's GDP, score less than 50 per cent on compliance with these measures. The lowest compliance levels were found in customer due diligence, implementing internal controls, and providing a supervisor with adequate powers to conduct risk-based supervision.
FATF (review of gatekeepers technical compliance related to corruption, PDF file)