
澤西島:政府提議修訂 1984 年信託法

澤西島政府正在就 1984 年信託(澤西島)法 (TJL84) 的五項修正案草案進行諮詢。其中包括: 根據最近對破產信託的判決,決定前任和現任受託人與有擔保貸款人之間債權的優先順序;受益人根據 TJL84 第 43 條或 Saunders v Vautier 案中的規則要求終止或變更信託的權力;以及唯一受託人聲稱辭職的職位。

JERSEY: Government proposes amendments to Trusts Law 1984

Jersey's government is consulting on five draft amendments to the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984 (TJL84). They include: deciding the priority of claims between a former and current trustee and a secured lender, given a recent judgement on insolvent trusts; beneficiaries' powers to call for the termination or variation of a trust pursuant to either Article 43 of the TJL84 or the rule in Saunders v Vautier; and the position where a sole trustee purports to resign.

Jersey Department for the Economy
Consultation Paper (PDF file)
BAILII (Equity Trust judgement)

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