


STEP 的英國技術委員會和數位資產特殊研究小組已針對英格蘭和威爾斯法律委員會關於國際私法 (PIL) 背景下的數位資產和電子交易文件的諮詢提交了答覆。 STEP 的諮詢回應主要集中在無爭議的稅務和遺產規劃問題。 STEP 認為,確定與爭議相關的管轄權的替代方法並不一定消除制定確定數位資產所在地的規則的需要。 總體而言,STEP 支持提高法律清晰度的需要,特別是在涉及數位資產的位置方面。

DIGITAL ASSETS: STEP responds to consultation on digital assets and electronic trading documents in PIL

STEP’s UK Technical Committee and Digital Assets Special Interest Group have submitted a response to the England and Wales Law Commission’s consultation on digital assets and electronic trading documents in a private international law (PIL) context. STEP’s consultation response focuses primarily on non-contentious tax and estate-planning issues. STEP suggests that alternative approaches to determining jurisdictional law in relation to disputes do not necessarily eliminate the need to have rules that determine where a digital asset is located. Overall, STEP supports the need to improve clarity in the law, especially where the location of digital assets is concerned.

Law Commission call for evidence
STEP (response, PDF)

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