馬恩島政府已獲得《2024 年受益所有權(義務實體存取)法令》的立法批准,允許受反洗錢法規監管的個人或機構在2024年底之前對該轄區的受益所有權登記冊進行盡職調查政府還承諾制定計劃,讓有「合法利益」的人能夠查閱登記冊。
ISLE OF MAN: Beneficial ownership register opened to due-diligence checks
The Isle of Man government has obtained legislative approval for the Beneficial Ownership (Obliged Entities Access) Order 2024, allowing people or bodies regulated under the anti-money laundering regulations to make due-diligence checks on the jurisdiction's beneficial ownership register by the end of 2024. The government also committed to set out plans for access to the register by persons with a 'legitimate interest'.
Isle of Man government
Isle of Man government legislature (PDF)