

英格蘭和威爾斯高等法院商業部門已同意,尋求執行阿聯酋法院價值 7500 萬英鎊判決的繼承索賠可以在英國法院進行。該判決重申了英格蘭和威爾斯上訴法院 2007 年的判決,即尋求執行判決的索賠可以在管轄區之外送達,而無需證明英格蘭有任何可供執行的資產。只要原告確實有可能從英國訴訟程序中獲得合法的間接或預期利益就足夠了(Al Hamed v Al Hamed, 2024 EWHC 2448 Comm)。

CONTENTIOUS ESTATES: UAE judgment disputed in English courts

The England and Wales High Court's commercial division has agreed that an inheritance claim seeking to enforce a GBP75-million judgment of the UAE courts can proceed in the English courts. The judgment reaffirms the England and Wales Court of Appeal's 2007 decision that a claim seeking to enforce a judgment can be served out of the jurisdiction without having to show that there are any assets available for execution in England. It suffices that there is a real prospect of a legitimate indirect or prospective benefit to the claimant from the English proceedings (Al Hamed v Al Hamed, 2024 EWHC 2448 Comm).

Blackstone Chambers

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